
Silvio Mastrodascio’s Artworks

Critical Reception and Visual Interpretation
a cura di Marco Lettieri, Michael Lettieri
  • Collana: Studi
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
  • Lingua: Italiano, Inglese
  • Editore: Società Editrice Fiorentina
  • Opera sottoposta a peer review


  • ISBN: 9788860327574
  • Condizioni di accesso: a pagamento
  • Pagine: 128
  • Prezzo: € 22,00
Silvio Mastrodascio (b. 1943) is an acclaimed painter and sculptor based in Toronto, Canada. His career, spanning more than 40 years, is devoted primarily to sculpture and the representation of the human body, especially the female figure. This is the first book entirely devoted to discussion of his art. With the exception of Michael Lettieri’s two chapters, previously published in edited collections, all of the writings presented here originated in exhibition catalogues found scattered around the globe. Exhibition catalogues are essential publications for the study and appreciation of art, yet they are notoriously difficult to locate and access; this is especially so in the case of Mastrodascio. Mining these resources, this volume gathers together and places at the reader’s disposal a wide variety of the most significant critical appraisals of Mastrodascio’s work.

Informazioni bibliografiche

Titolo del libro

Silvio Mastrodascio’s Artworks

Sottotitolo del libro

Critical Reception and Visual Interpretation


a cura di Marco Lettieri, Michael Lettieri

Opera sottoposta a peer review

Anno di pubblicazione


Anno Copyright

© 2024

Licenza dei metadati

CC BY 4.0


Società Editrice Fiorentina

ISBN Print






Numero in collana


Marco Lettieri, Ph.D. University of Toronto, is currently Visiting Lecturer in the Department of French and Italian at Indiana University (Bloomington, IN). His research interests are in Italian language pedagogy and Medieval and Renaissance studies. He has taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Arizona, and University of Toronto. He is the recipient of several teaching excellence awards. He has presented his research at various academic conferences, including AATI/ACTFL. Michael Lettieri è ordinario di Lingua e Letteratura italiana nel Department of Language Studies della University of Toronto Mississauga. Direttore della rivista «Italica», si è dedicato soprattutto alla storia del teatro, pubblicando commenti, edizioni critiche, saggi e monografie su Aretino, Lope de Vega, gli «Accademici Intronati» di Siena, Corneille, Alfieri e Kreglianovich.
Nella stessa collana